
If you are interested in model horses, here is my collection online, including DIY projects. I do lots of work with found objects and prop/scene work and my projects are usually inexpensive and very creative.
The links to ponylagoon are NOT to my PHOTOS. They are for reference & structure only.
Projects are related to creating an eye-pleasing, properly scaled display in the china cabinent for the models which the child in me refuses to relinquish (or insists on acquiring!).

Thanks for stopping in!
Please do not reuse any images without my consent.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Kentucky Bound

Boy am I getting excited! A bit too excited for a grown adult heading to a toy convention, but with good reasons:

1) this year Breyer is going to break the mold of the Celebration Horse model! You don't have to be a frenzied collector to appreciate that.

2) I have a table at Friday evening's legendary Swap Meet at the Holiday Inn Ballroom! Yes, me! I am preparing and packing into the RV whatever I can imagine may be desirable, most handcrafted:

  • prepped MiniWhinnies

  • one 6 stall MiniWhinny barn

  • 2 pc, 4 stall StableMate barn

  • StableMate gypsy wagon sans harnessing

  • several StableMate wood and glass displays finished in different themes

  • various props such as tractors, people, fencing and plants most SM scale
  • a few bodies
  • assorted scale NIB horses, most discontinued at this point.

And as if that weren't enough reason to send me scrambling to Lexington, four of my equine charges from the past S FL winter are up there, 3 across the street from my digs, requesting a visit. Sounds lovely!

Other things happening for Tony & I at the 'fest include a Friday Dressage Saddle crafting workshop, a Saturday Equine Live Sculpture class, and a Sunday Pastel SM Painting class for me.

We are staying through Monday and I am thinking of holding a little party Sunday eve for any stragglers, that we may craft together in the big screen room I will have up at the Campground. Please email/comment fellow hobbyists! Like we all won't have enough to do.

I am also very especially looking forward to the custom a special artist is going to create for me in exchange for the Hanoverian Tent SR. She is very talented and it will be a fun and challenging task for me to pick out the horse to be honored with a portrait.