Boy am I getting excited! A bit too excited for a grown adult heading to a toy convention, but with good reasons:
1) this year Breyer is going to break the mold of the Celebration Horse model! You don't have to be a frenzied collector to appreciate that.
2) I have a table at Friday evening's legendary Swap Meet at the Holiday Inn Ballroom! Yes, me! I am preparing and packing into the RV whatever I can imagine may be desirable, most handcrafted:
- prepped MiniWhinnies
- one 6 stall MiniWhinny barn
- 2 pc, 4 stall StableMate barn
- StableMate gypsy wagon sans harnessing
- several StableMate wood and glass displays finished in different themes
- various props such as tractors, people, fencing and plants most SM scale
- a few bodies
- assorted scale NIB horses, most discontinued at this point.
And as if that weren't enough reason to send me scrambling to Lexington, four of my equine charges from the past S FL winter are up there, 3 across the street from my digs, requesting a visit. Sounds lovely!
Other things happening for Tony & I at the 'fest include a Friday Dressage Saddle crafting workshop, a Saturday Equine Live Sculpture class, and a Sunday Pastel SM Painting class for me.
We are staying through Monday and I am thinking of holding a little party Sunday eve for any stragglers, that we may craft together in the big screen room I will have up at the Campground. Please email/comment fellow hobbyists! Like we all won't have enough to do.
I am also very especially looking forward to the custom a special artist is going to create for me in exchange for the Hanoverian Tent SR. She is very talented and it will be a fun and challenging task for me to pick out the horse to be honored with a portrait.