Sunday, December 28, 2008
it's been awhile!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Breyer Stablemates Display Cases
Completed! Click for more pix! Coffee-dyed matte finish wood frame, looks lovely. Inspired by high seaside hilltop trail ride in St. John USVI in '06. Background from tourist souvenir mag, handmade landscaping to match bouganvillea in photo. Real scale coral rocks and other landscaping is loose and moveable for a variety of scenes. Horse: Lippizzan Foal, '08 JC Penny Parade of Breeds, OF.
Several more are in progress as well and will be posted as available.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Mini Me Rush
After getting in and wandering around, we watched some performances and picked up our Alborozo's. When our SR tix time came, we picked up Pharoah, Patagonia, and attended the Dressage Workshop Friday before going directly to the Swap Meet. We got to keep the workbooks for the Saddle workshop which I thought was generous and inspiring.
The Swap Meet had a long line in the hallway an hour before it opened, which was about when we arrived to set up. Thank goodness I didn't have a whole lot. A doorperson let a singlefile line into the room and it snaked into the room one way and around and out the other door, for hours.
I sold enough to cover the cost of my table at least, and Tony & I both enjoyed sitting in the middle of the action and talking with people. Karen Zorn was sitting by us for awhile with a friend of hers who had a bunch of beautiful resculpted and prepped traditional sized horses. I enjoyed chatting with everyone, and so many artists whose work I have followed online. Karen is sickeningly talented! I love her work and am still gooey for the SM I was lucky to score. I was thoroughly exhausted and inspired by the time we got back to the campground.
I left breifly to go to the SR 'tent' with my ticket only to miss out on the SR's I wanted again, but not to be dismayed, I considered a pile of Adrianos but wasn't ready to buy, a clinky Tang SM (very cool in my opinion but not too popular with the crowd, it appeared by the size of the huge stack left) and some pins & a keychain. Then I went back to Adriano and got him. The more I look, the more I like him. Dapples and eyes are lovely. I like him better than the '08 clinky SR because I really don't like the molded-on tack.
The dinner was good, but we didn't stay for the auction as we wanted to find a vendor (Karen's friend who had a neighboring table at the Swap Meet) at the Holiday Inn who I wanted to purchase a prepped Hartland Jewel from, and generous woman who we met after not getting our SR Reisling, who said she would sell me her extra Reisling from the campground. I am trading Amanda Brock a paintjob on the Jewel for the Reisling. The Holiday Inn is always so jamming during Breyerfest. I found my vendor and horse, we had a bite to eat at the bar, and a drink with a horseman who knew other horsepeople I've worked for/with in FL... how small the horse world. He is one of those real horse people who is completely amazed by how many people come to the Holiday Inn during BF, and the range of detail and expense in the model horse hobby. It's more than a kid's toy at Tractor Supply Co. We were offered a job hauling horses to a sale but of course are on our own trek right now and had to politely decline the offer.
Monday-Wed we stayed on at KHP campground (who wants to leave?) and I visited some horses who had been in my care in FL this winter who live in KY in the warm months. 3 were right across the street! I think this was a perfect ending to BF since the real horses are the true inspiration anyhow.
Another of these colicked in FL right after I came to work at the farm last winter. The vet set us up to treat him on the farm (me w/3 yrs equine ER vet tech), as he was pretty severe and retired, and not a surgical candidate. We pulled him through and not suprisingly, he relapsed about a week later but mildly, but came throuh that as well. He is now living out his days on a happy farm in KY with his new best friend, a retired racehorse and broodmare. Nicest thing, to see happy endings for these horses.
I am playing around with pastelling my prepped Mini Whinnies leftover from the Swap Meet and wondering where I want to work this fall when I return to FL. Speaking of returning, on the drive S through NH I am hoping to visit Stephen Marden's Golden Oaks warehouse of Breyers now that I see he's opening up a few days a week.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Kentucky Bound
Boy am I getting excited! A bit too excited for a grown adult heading to a toy convention, but with good reasons:
1) this year Breyer is going to break the mold of the Celebration Horse model! You don't have to be a frenzied collector to appreciate that.
2) I have a table at Friday evening's legendary Swap Meet at the Holiday Inn Ballroom! Yes, me! I am preparing and packing into the RV whatever I can imagine may be desirable, most handcrafted:
- prepped MiniWhinnies
- one 6 stall MiniWhinny barn
- 2 pc, 4 stall StableMate barn
- StableMate gypsy wagon sans harnessing
- several StableMate wood and glass displays finished in different themes
- various props such as tractors, people, fencing and plants most SM scale
- a few bodies
- assorted scale NIB horses, most discontinued at this point.
And as if that weren't enough reason to send me scrambling to Lexington, four of my equine charges from the past S FL winter are up there, 3 across the street from my digs, requesting a visit. Sounds lovely!
Other things happening for Tony & I at the 'fest include a Friday Dressage Saddle crafting workshop, a Saturday Equine Live Sculpture class, and a Sunday Pastel SM Painting class for me.
We are staying through Monday and I am thinking of holding a little party Sunday eve for any stragglers, that we may craft together in the big screen room I will have up at the Campground. Please email/comment fellow hobbyists! Like we all won't have enough to do.
I am also very especially looking forward to the custom a special artist is going to create for me in exchange for the Hanoverian Tent SR. She is very talented and it will be a fun and challenging task for me to pick out the horse to be honored with a portrait.